Below you can find publications from the CHOICE Project and other studies completed by our research team. Clicking on the article title will navigate to the full abstract. For other years, please use the navigation menu on the right.
The Contraceptive CHOICE Project round up: what we did and what we learned
McNicholas C, Maddent T, Secura G, Peipert JF. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Dec;57(4):635-43.
Provision of no-cost, long-acting contraception and teenage pregnancy
Secura GM, Madden T, McNicholas C, Mullersman J, Buckel CM, Zhao Q, Peipert JF. N Engl J Med. 2014 Oct 2;371(14):1316-23.
Contraceptive continuation in Hispanic women
Werth SR, Secura GM, Broughton HO, Jones ME, Dickey V, Peipert JF. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar;212(3):312.21-8. Epub 2014 Sep 9.
Association of age and parity with intrauterine device expulsion
Madden T, McNicholas C, Zhao Q, Secura GM, Eisenberg DL, Peipert JF. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Oct;124(4):718-26. Epub 2014 Sep 5.
Min J, Buckel C, Secura GM, Peipert JF, Madden T. Contraception. 2015 Jan;91(1):80-4. Epub 2014 Aug 8.
Diedrich JT, Desai S, Zhao Q, Secura G, Madden T, Peipert JF. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;212(1):50.e1-8. Epub 2014 Jul 18.
Change in sexual behavior with provision of no-cost contraception
Secura GM, Adams T, Buckel CM, Zhao Q, Peipert JF. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Apr;123(4):771-6.